My Journey Begins...

I am a believer in Christ, and I have breast cancer.   On August 17, 2017, I was diagnosed with an aggressive (HER2+), recurrent (hormone negative) type of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.  At this point, they have not yet staged my cancer because they are waiting for the biopsy results from a suspicious spot in the second breast. The biopsy is scheduled for September 5th, with a lumpectomy to follow on September 7th.  They will formally stage my cancer after they biopsy my lymph nodes, which will be taken during the surgery.  It doesn't make any sense to me that I have a cancer diagnosis - I am a fairly healthy woman who runs 2 miles almost every day and eats a gluten-free, primarily paleo diet, with no family history at all.  But it makes sense to God, and so here I am.

Update ~ They found 4 isolated invasions during the lumpectomy.  Due to the nature of my cancer (HER2+ and ER-), the recommended protocol is chemotherapy and radiation.  Beginning in October, my chemotherapy regimen will include 12 weeks of Taxol administered weekly, and one year of Hercpetin administered every three weeks.  Beginning in January, my radiation regimen will be daily for four weeks, for a total of 21 treatments.

My deepest desire and prayer in this trial is to magnify Christ - to my family, to my friends, to anyone I encounter - because I firmly believe that God has a plan in all things, even our suffering, and that His plan is ultimately for our good. As I searched online for encouragement from other believers who've walked this path, there was little more than a few articles about how cancer impacted them, and plenty of daily blogs about the medical journey.  I was looking for some sort of daily devotion or a daily blog from someone who found their strength and comfort and hope in scripture, and shared their daily walk through the diagnosis and treatment while leaning on the Word, but those were surprisingly lacking.  It is my hope this blog fills a void, and will bring encouragement to anyone walking through a difficult trial, especially those walking with me through a breast cancer diagnosis.

These are my daily journal entries.  My small group and I choose a verse per week to memorize and meditate on based on our study for the week.  I journal on those verses daily, and post them in a group chat.  These are my simply my thoughts as I meet with God in my quiet time and meditate on the verses He has led our group to memorize - they are unfiltered and unedited.  We happened by no chance to be in the middle of the week memorizing Psalm 73:25-26 when I received my diagnosis.  I begin sharing here the day after diagnosis.  If you start reading at the bottom, you will walk through the journey of how He has brought me Hope every single day through scripture as I walk in the word with breast cancer.  Praying they bring you Hope.

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


  1. Well-written. Useful and informative. Keep up the good work! and also check this out Trusted Breast Cancer Treatment Center. Thank you.


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