Journal Entry ~ 12/31/18
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. - Hebrews 4:12 Sin is deceitful - it is what keeps us out of God's rest. And when you get down to the core of it, sin is the result of a lack of trust in God's promises. Sin whispers our only hope for a bright future is if we cheat, lie, steal. Sin tells us God won't come through in this situation, so we need to take control, say those things, leave the relationship. Sin tells us we we will lose this relationship if we don't compromise our sexual standards. It says we won't have job security if we speak up at work about a dishonest practice. It says this man will never change, and my life will be wasted if I don't get a divorce. It says I deserve more, I deserve better. Sin says it's okay to gossip because I need allies, I need support, I need p...