Journal Entry ~ 10/31/19

9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? 10 "I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds."  - Jeremiah 17:9-10

So often we try to look at our situation through our own lens, through our own eyes....We try to figure out our trials through our own limited understanding. But I've learned, His ways are not our ways. We can't always look at our situation through our limited lens because our hearts are deceitful. We hide what’s truly in there because we’ve been conditioned by the world to believe that we have certain rights or we’ve been conditioned not to trust. 

Sometimes God allows us to be thrown into a pit - not because we were being picked on, but because we’ve been picked out. He allows a difficult person or a difficult trial into our lives because He knows we have a darkness in our hearts that needs to be revealed. He will continue to press down on that darkness until we can see it because sometimes, that’s the only way we can see it. 

You can bet the reason you are walking through a difficult situation or dealing with a difficult person in your life is because God loves you so much that He wants you free from the chains you don’t see. You are in the trial because you have not surrendered some part of your heart to Him, and He’s going to continue to press on that darkness until you do. God allows the trials into your life to conform your conduct and change your character to the likeness of God. He wants all of you, my friends, and He will continue to chase after you until He has your whole heart. We don’t get to pick and choose which parts He gets to have, He’s going after our whole heart. 

Lean in and let Him show you the part of your heart that you have not fully surrendered, then get on your knees and confess your sin. Having been through deep trials so that He could illuminate deep darknesses, I know it takes some time. But you have to start on your knees with a humble heart to be able to see it, and you have to keep getting down there day after day in order for Him to reveal all of the truth to you. Start by confessing what you know is sin - the fearful attitude, lack of forgiveness, bitterness, and despair. Ask for forgiveness for those sins, then ask Him to reveal to you the darkness behind that sin. He will.  And when He does, you’ll feel the chains fall off. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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