Journal Entry ~ 09/03/17

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. - Romans 8:18

In order to trust in what this verse is telling us, you need to believe that God is good. If you don't believe that in your very core, then you will struggle to trust Him in the most difficult moments. The strongest, most faithful Christians I know, who have walked through the most heart breaking trials with the courage of a lion, are those who have an unwavering trust in His goodness. He is good. What He is doing in your life may not make sense, but He has a plan and it is good. I've struggled through enough challenging trials, and been blown away as I've gotten to the other side to see what His plan was all along, to know I can trust in Him in all things. He is good, all the time. He works in ways we can't even fathom, and He works to answer our prayers. We want our loved ones to come to know Jesus, so when we fervently pray for that to happen and He responds by breaking them or putting them on trials where they can only turn to Him, it's hard to watch. But we can know and trust that He is at work for good. 

I ordered a t-shirt yesterday that says, "and if not, He is still good". I can't wait to wear it - what a beautiful reminder to us in our trials. We pray and we pray and we pray for our will and our desires in our struggles, and then we are so deeply saddened when He doesn't answer them the way we want Him to answer them. Trust that He is still good - He is working to answer our prayers. He has a plan that makes sense, we only need to trust Him and wait. He didn't answer my prayer that the biopsy was normal, He didn't answer the prayer that this would be an easy fix, He didn't answer the prayer that the MRI was clear, He didn't answer the prayer that it hasn't traveled anywhere else. But He is still good, and He has a plan in this diagnosis that is for good. My current prayer request is for no chemo, "and if not, He is still good."  Trusting in Him always. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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