Journal Entry ~ 09/05/17

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. - Romans 8:18

God has prepared an indescribable glory to be revealed in us some day - the word literally means "into us", so we won't be standing back and observing this glory, it will be part of us. How awesome is that?! And it's a gift to us - not because we have done anything to earn it or deserve it, but because He has chosen to make us heirs to the Kingdom with Jesus. Our tiny little minds cannot even begin to comprehend the beauty that we will encounter. But in this life, we will suffer. Our pain is real, our heartache can be overwhelming at times, the battle is happening all around us. As believers in Christ, we are warned we will suffer as Christ suffered - we must live our lives ready for the attack. We have to know its coming and arm ourselves with weapons to do battle. For if we don't, those phone calls will come and knock us right off the rails of life. If we aren't prepared, our hearts will be tempted into depression or anxiety, our thoughts will spiral us into anger and bitterness, and we will end up fighting the battle alone. We cannot do this in our own strength - we need the weapons He has designed for us to do battle. Get into the Word every single day, get on your knees in prayer, worship Him in song, and get yourself in a small group of believers who will encourage you and point you back to Him in the struggle. The problem is so many believers step up these disciplines once the storm starts, but that's no way to train for battle. You need to strengthen yourself and prepare for the battle before it comes.  Don't live your life with your head in the sand thinking the battle isn't coming, or that you'll do those things when you have time. Your heart won't be ready. Setting a firm foundation of truth in your heart before the battle begins will ensure you are prepared when life's trials hit. 

So thankful for the foundation He has given me in His Word, for the wisdom and instruction He has given me as I sit under excellent teaching, for the love and encouragement He has given me in my small group. Getting that phone call knocked the wind out of me, but I was prepared for battle. There is no doubt you will ever be fully prepared for what life throws at you - the trials can come out of nowhere and change your life in a second. But when you are prepared, you know where to turn and what to do.  It didn't take me long to capture my thinking, and turn to Him after that phone call.  I found peace and comfort in His Word because that's where I go every single morning of my life. My radio station is already set to worship music, so all I needed to do was crank it up when I got in my car. And I am blessed to have an army of prayer warriors who love and care for me deeply, who always point me back to Him. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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