Medical Update 11/09/17

Hi friends ~

Thank you for the way you continue to check in on me by reading these updates.  Your support and encouragment remind me that I am not alone in this journey, and your presence on this path strengthens me. 💗

I'm sitting in the chair receiving my 6th chemo treatment as I type this.  6th!!  That's halfway through the Taxol!  My emotions are completely divided - part of me wants to dance with excitement for making it halfway through the first step, while the other part of me sees the six treatments I still have left as an eternity.  I will still receive the Herceptin for a year, but the end of Taxol means I'm closer to the radiation treatments, which mean I'm closer to returning to work and regaining a sense of normalcy in my life.  There are some days I'm content to stay on this path, and some days that I just want to get off the ride.  But God has been faithful through it all.

Physically, this was a more challenging week for me.  I'm not sure why, but I had a rough weekend.  In an effort to reduce the headaches, my doctor cut the IV steroids in half last week.  Unfortunately, it did nothing for my headache, but the rest of my symptoms seem to increase.  In fact, they've been so bad that they've carried over into this week.  I was doing well enough on Monday and Tuesday, but was back on my couch for much of Wednesday with headache, fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, and nausea.

This week, my doctor changed my steroids back to their original amount and changed one of my IV anti-nausea medications.  She's still trying to minimize my headaches, but they're having a difficult time isolating the cause.  Hopefully, this works.  She also called in a prescription to minimize some of the additional symptoms I'm experiencing over the weekend, so perhaps I'll be able to stay ahead of the challenges by taking this medication.  If not, I can still manage with these symptoms - they're not overwhelming.  I'm just so blessed to have a doctor who cares enough about me that she truly wants to minimize my discomfort.  I keep telling her it's not a big deal, but she continues to work at finding ways to relieve my symptoms.  She doesn't want me to experience any more discomfort than I have to - I love that about her!  Praises for the fact that my WBC and RBC counts remain stable - in fact, my WBC is back to the middle normal range (praise God!!) and my RBC stabilized just below normal.

Please pray for healing my son and his family - my grandbabies have caught the Coxsackie virus (hand, foot, mouth) and my granddaughter has one of the worst cases I've personally seen.  Her precious little body is covered with the sores - not just her hands and feet.  At the same time, my son ended up in the ER with 104 degree fever and was diagnosed with strep throat.  Then yesterday, HFM sores showed up all over his body.  I was with my granddaughter when her fever began, please pray that I do not get sick. Please also pray for patience for my mother (and grandmother's!) heart.  I want to see them, I want to help them, but I cannot in my current condition.  It will be some time before I am able to be with them again - please pray that I can wait on His timing.

The best news of today is that we FINALLY have approval for the caregiver chairs and we've been able to launch the fundraiser!  I am so excited to see this happen!  Please visit the GoFundMe page here:  Even if you cannot donate, please share with your network so we can support (literally!) our caregivers with new chairs.  Thank you so much!!

Humbled by His grace and mercy in my life...

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


  1. Prayers, prayers, prayers! Theresa, through the years you have always left me saying to myself, "How does she do it?". You have not disappointed in this journey! Lol! God is great and the ONLY way through what you and your family are living! God's blessings and answers to your prayers! Miss you at the nest! xoxo Lynda

    1. Aww! Thank you for your prayers, and for your encouraging words, Lynda!! I truly appreciate them!

      Miss you tons!

  2. Dear Theresa, your whole family will testify to the Glory of our Lord. I pray that all attack of disease will be gone. Our God is greater than any illness! May God's healing light shine and surround your family and all health return. Bless you for your witness and may the peace of God fill you, including your entire being. May headaches cease, relaxing your jaw and anything that remains in you that thinks you need to hold it together. God is with you and for you and will leave pure gold through this journey. Continuing in healing prayer for you and your entire family.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Cindy ~ I truly appreciate you lifting me up! Our God is great, and I have complete confidence in His healing power accessed through prayers like yours. You are loved!


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