Journal Entry ~ 12/20/17
1 Oh come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! 2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! - Psalm 95:1-2
What a perfect passage to be led to the week of Christmas! So much about this week should have us making a joyful noise to our Lord. Unfortunately, the world can take over this week and leave us feeling exhausted, with a ‘to do’ list a mile long. Our culture has taken over Christmas - to prepare for the holiday, we have decorating and shopping and wrapping and baking, then there are the parties to attend and attractions to visit. We do need to prepare for the holiday, but nothing in that list is what He calls us to do. He wants our worship - that’s it. If you’re feeling overwhelmed at all you have to do before Sunday, understand that none of it comes from Him. It doesn’t mean the things you have planned are wrong, but if you’re feeling as if you have too much on your plate, and no time to do what He calls you to do, you’re taking the reigns of your life. He wants nothing more than your worship. If you don’t have an abundant amount of time for that over this next week, you’re probably not living in the center of His will.
This Psalm is all about our worship. Our worship should make a difference in who we are and what we do. Many of us define worship as the music we listen to or the songs we sing, but it is so much more than that. Worship is the outward expression of what is in our heart, it is how we demonstrate our devotion to God for who He is and what He has done in our lives.
So as you’re running around this week getting ready for the holiday, what are you worshipping?
The beginning of this Psalm shows us the what, why, and how if worship. From the very first line, we read we should sing to the Lord - this is the “what” of worship. We should be singing and making a joyful noise before Him. What’s interesting here is that it doesn’t say “sing when you feel inspired to sing”, it just says sing. That means even when I don’t feel like it, I should sing to the Lord. Even though my Spirit may not necessarily feel like singing, I should sing. Worship is not based on how I’m feeling, it’s based on who God is - He is the creator of the universe, He is loving, and merciful, and generous, and He is deserving of our worship. Nothing impacts my Spirit, changes my attitude, rights my perspective, shifts my focus, like a good worship song.
I think one of the things I miss the most about going to work every day is my time in the car listening to worship music. I’ve had a number of people comment to me over the years about how far I live from the school I work in, but I wouldn’t trade the time alone in my car In worship for anything. Daily worship is essential for my heart. As i worship Him in song, He rights my thinking, He comforts me, He reminds me of His promises and of who He is, He strengthens me. After my diagnosis, when I was still heading to work every day, I literally found the strength to face the day in worship music every morning, specifically in the song, “Eye of the Believer”. There are so many worship songs that are linked to the lessons I’ve learned and the comfort I’ve found in trials because of the way He has spoken to me through my worship time with Him that those songs will immediately bring me comfort when i hear them.
Christmas is a time with a whole host of worship songs written to settle our hearts on who we should be focusing on at this time of the year. If you are feeling overwhelmed at all you have planned over the next week for the holiday, stop yourself and worship. Sing joyfully to the Lord and allow the worship to permeate your heart about who He is and what He came to do.
Press on~ you are loved 💗
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