Journal Entry ~ 01/10/18

9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. - Galatians 6:9-10

It’s hard work continuing to do good. It can be more tempting to serve our own needs over doing what God calls us to do. I could serve the homeless breakfast, but I don’t feel like getting up early. I could go to church this weekend, but my son has a football game. I could get my bible out tonight, but I deserve to relax on the couch after the day I had. It’s hard work continuing to do good - if it wasn’t, Paul wouldn’t be encouraging us to keep on doing good. 

His prompting should ignite the Spirit inside each of us. When we accept Jesus, and His Spirit comes to dwell on our hearts, He begins to change our priorities and desires. Before we became believers, we were resistant to change. We were more focused on our own priorities. But when we have His Spirit alive in us, He prompts us toward change. When we make a decision that pleases Him, we know it. But if we make a poor decision, He will make it known in promptings of our conscience. 

When our conscience pricks us, we have a choice - it is for this very moment that Paul gives us the encouragement and warning.  We are not to grow weary of choosing good in the moment we’re struggling between good and evil. But even if we don’t make the right choice in the moment, we can still choose good.  If we own and confess our sin, willfully and humbly submit to our King, we will still reap the harvest. He doesn’t reveal our sin to us to shame us or humiliate us, He shows us our sin because He loves us. He wants you to grab a hold of all that Jesus died for you to have. 

Unfortunately, far too many of us choose to justify our actions with some scheme that quiets our conscience. We’re so good at this that we often don’t even recognize we’re doing it. We point the finger to someone else for blame, we change the Word of God to meet our needs, we point to the fact that everyone is doing it or culture has somehow updated the Bible. The problem with this is if you continue to justify your right to be right, you will stop seeking the grace that saves you. 

Don’t grow weary of doing good. Don’t grow weary of choosing right in the moment.  Don’t grow weary of allowing your conscience to prick you, and don’t grow weary of choosing to listen. Don’t grow weary of confessing your sin and seeking the only grace that saves. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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