Journal Entry ~ 02/02/18

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. - Ephesians 6:10-11

Conflict is a part of living in this world. There are times when the tension of conflict eats up our peace at work, in our churches, and at home. It can become exhausting. There is conflict in parenting, in marriage, in families, in working with and for other people - it can all be frustrating from time to time. Life would be so much easier if we could live without conflict. But sadly, we live in a world broken by sin and under the attack of the enemy. 

Many of us like to live as if there isn’t a spiritual war going on.  We don’t look at the conflict as part of the battle, we view the conflict in terms of the other person.   We blame them for the  conflict but we’re forgetting the bigger picture. It’s all part of a great big spiritual war. How would your perspective change if you thought about your most difficult relationship in terms of a spiritual battle?  There really is an enemy who prowls around like a lion, seeking to devour. He wants to destroy your peace and your relationships, most especially those relationships that are focused on Him, or that you’re working for Him. He is a master at deception. The enemy can twist any situation or conversation against you in a heartbeat.  And when we are wrongly accused, our defenses rise swiftly and loudly, and suddenly we are in conflict. What if we could see the enemy’s attacks for what they are and refuse to give in?  What if we chose an attitude of gentleness and kindness in the face of conflict, and refused to give the enemy a foothold in that relationship?

Put on the whole armor of God and guard your heart against the attacks of the enemy. He is at the source of any contact that you are enduring. Shine His light into that conflict, and watch it disappear.

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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