Journal Entry ~ 02/06/18

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. - Ephesians 6:10-11

Living the Christian life can be challenging. It can be challenging to get to church sometimes, it can be challenging to find time to spend with Him daily, it can be challenging to keep our thoughts pure and our eyes on Him all the time. It’s challenging because there is a spiritual war going on out there. Every morning we rise, we know we’re supposed to put our battle gear on, but far too often, we choose to leave it sitting there next to our beds, on our coffee tables, or tucked away in a drawer. We hit the snooze, we reason the God knows we have a busy schedule, and we make lame promises to get back to it later. Then enemy would like nothing more than for you to put off your daily devotion or time in prayer, and He delights when you skip church or small group. 

Before we can have victory in the world, we need to have victory in our own lives - this is what Paul is referring to in our verse for this week. Ephesians 6:10-11 is a battle cry. As soldiers for the kingdom of heaven, we are called to be strong. We all know a soldier’s strength doesn’t come from hitting the gym once in awhile when it’s convenient, or when they’re not too tired, or too busy. No, a soldier’s strength comes from spending hours a day in training, every day without fail. Outside of being sick, a soldier doesn’t call off of training. We need to have that same soldier mentality - our power comes from Him when we spend daily time in His Word, when we spend every weekend in the house of God learning new truths, when we get with God’s people who hold us accountable. It doesn’t come when we do it once in awhile when it’s convenient, it comes when we commit and do it all the time. 

Don’t let the battle take the life you should be living for Him. Instead, choose to live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor, Satan shudders and says, “oh no, she’s awake.”  

Press on, you are loved 💗


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