Journal Entry ~ 02/12/18

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. - Ephesians 6:12-13

Because the enemy is powerful and wicked, we must recognize that we’re going to be doing battle most days. There will be glorious days when we get to take a break from the battle, those days when we feel the very presence of the Lord in the gracious blessings He bestows on our lives; but for the majority of our days, we will be fighting the enemy’s attacks. His attacks are sneaky and deceptive and they will be aimed at our weaknesses. His lies will show up in the morning as we trying to get our children out the door, causing us to explode with impatience, his schemes will mix up the tone of a text to a loved one, his deception will cause us to be falsely accused at work, he will go after our marriages, our friendships, our family relationships. 

The only way to stand against the schemes of the enemy is to put on the full armor of God before we enter the battlefield. Since we have been taught the only way we stand firm against the enemy is with the Word of God, it is critical to our victory that we get into scripture every morning before we start our day. He is to have our first fruits - that includes our time. 

Nobody has a more difficult time with morning appointments than me - it is my absolute worst time of day. I was born a night owl. I am someone who will hit the snooze at least a half a dozen times before getting out of bed, and I’m usually quite grumpy when I finally do get up. Cancer treatment has only made getting up that much more difficult - every joint in my body aches when i first begin to move. 

But I know if I don’t, I will be walking into the battle in front of me unarmed and unable to win. We don’t know what the day holds for us, but we know the One who does. So I meet with Him every morning without fail.  No exceptions, no excuses. It is only through His Word that I find the strength I need to face whatever battle lies in front of me. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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