Journal Entry ~ 03/05/18

13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.
14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, - Ephesians 6:13-14

In verse 14, we finally start getting to the armor we’ve been talking about putting on for weeks now. Paul starts with the belt of truth - why does he start with truth?  Because His truth is our foundation. As believers, we find truth in God’s Word. If our beliefs are not rooted in the Word of God, then we will not be able to fight the spiritual battles in front of us. His Word is the foundation for everything we believe and did everything we do. 

Continuing get the soldier analogy, Paul instructs is to put on the “belt” of truth, so we should pause for a moment and think about exactly what he is saying. The belt was an important part of the armor for a Roman soldier - it is where he placed his weapon. The belt kept a soldier’s weapon near to the body, ready to be pulled out and used in an instant. 

Our belt of truth should hold our one and only weapon against the enemy - the Word of God. His Word should be near to us at all times, and we should be ready to pull it out at any time in the battle. For it to be useful in the most challenging moments, for us to be able to use His truth when we’re up against conflict or we are dealing with difficult trials, we need to know His Word well. If we’re not in it daily, it won’t be close at hand and we will struggle to find it in the moments we need it most. To wear His Word as a belt, we need to open it every day and we need to commit His Words to our hearts in memory. When His Word is easily retrieved in the battle, it is a most useful weapon in fighting the enemy. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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