Journal Entry ~ 03/07/18
But the LORD said to David my father, 'Whereas it was in your heart to build a house for my name, you did well that it was in your heart. - 2 Chronicles 6
As a person who strives for excellent performance in most things I do, understanding this verse brings peace to my heart. It shatters the stronghold that I need to reach perfection, and reminds me that God knows my heart. He knows my desires, He knows where I long to be and what I want to accomplish for Him, and that’s beautiful to Him. I am not my performance.
In this story, David wants to build God a temple. David wanted to please God but building Him a house of worship. It is mentioned repeatedly throughout Scripture, so we know it is the desire of His heart. God has shown favor to David his whole life so he has no reason to believe God would deny him. David was the man after God’s own heart. But God says no. He tells David that his son will build the house, David will not. David was a warrior and his hands have shed too much blood - God did not want David to build His house with those hands. David is crushed because his heart desires to worship God by building Him a beautiful temple, but God says no.
In David’s defeat, God looks to him and says, 'Whereas it was in your heart to build a house for my name, you did well that it was in your heart.’ What matters is that it was in David’s heart to build a house for God. God cannot let David build the temple because his hands are dirty, but He lets David know He sees house deeply David wants to worship God with a temple. He knows the desires of our heart, and He credits that toward us. God doesn’t see only what we accomplish, He knows what lives in our heart.
Press on ~ you are loved 💗
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