Journal Entry ~ 03/10/18

But the LORD said to David my father, 'Whereas it was in your heart to build a house for my name, you did well that it was in your heart. - 2 Chronicles 6:8

Sometimes the Lord will say no to our most carefully laid plans. Sometimes He says no in obvious ways - like a traffic jam, missed flight, or a car that won’t start. Sometimes He says no less directly by closing doors that we want opened - we continue to interview for a specific jon, but can’t seem to pass an interview; we want to be married, but we just can’t find a suitable spouse; or we’ve wanted children our whole lives, and we can’t get pregnant. It’s so hard to accept those no’s. 

Sometimes He just doesn’t move in the direction we’ve been fervently praying for Him to move - I prayed fervently for no cancer, and then for no chemo. Both times, He said no to my requests. He wanted me to walk through this trial because He knew He had something in this for me. He could already see the transformation in my heart long before I could, so He said no. Even in the “no”, He is still good. I wanted to hear no because I didn’t want to walk through something difficult, but He knew I would grow through this experience in ways that I couldn’t possibly grow without it. 

Accepting His no when we have a specific plan for our lives is one of the most challenging trials people endure. Trusting that His plan is greater than our plan can be incredibly difficult. But we know He loves us, we know He can see more than us, we know He has all of creation in His view when He makes decisions, so we submit and trust that His plan is the best. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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