Journal Entry ~03/23/18

14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. - Ephesians 6:14-15

The primary way that God reaches people is through people - that means, as believers in Christ, we have a job to do. We need to be ready to share His Gospel with anyone at anytime. 

I don’t think that just means pulling out Scripture and sharing His truths found in scripture - though I do believe He calls us to do that regularly - I also think it means how we live out our lives in front of others, especially non-believers. Do we live a life of peace in front of others? Or do we unravel when difficult trials hit?  Do we handle adversity with His peace? Or do we become vindictive and gossip when we’re challenged?  Do we make those hard decisions that we know will honor God? Or do we give in to temptation to do what feels good?  Do we trust Him to work out all things for our good? Or do we speak of our fear in situations? Do we speak of God’s peace in our lives? Or do we take the credit for what only He could do?

If we are professed believers of Christ, people are watching how we love, what we say about people in our lives, how we treat people - and they should see an overwhelming sense of peace about us no matter what we’re dealing with. They should see us choose forgiveness when it’s hard, they should see us choose humility over pride, they should see us seek unity when division is easier. 

Putting on shoes of peace is an action that takes work. It is not only sharing His Gospel of peace with others, but it is also making a choice to be at peace - in our hearts and in our relationships so that others can see His peace in our lives. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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