Journal Entry ~ 04/28/18

8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
9 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. - 1 John 4:8-9

There is a reason we find these exhortations about love all over scripture - this is something we need to get right, yet a place where we so often fail. If we get this one thing right, if we learn how to truly love God and one another, then nothing else really matters. This is the big revelation from Scripture, this is the big take away God wants you to have. Everything else He says in scripture stem from this one thing. If we are loving God and loving others above ourselves, we’ve got it right. But if we are not, we are standing in the way of He blessings God wants to pour into our lives. 

Biblical love is a self-sacrificing, caring commitment that shows itself in seeking the best for another person.  It delights in seeking the best for another. This is easy when we are making the choices or when it agrees with our priorities or our good. We can even give up a little bit of time to do something for someone else when there is no apparent benefit for us.  Of course, it makes us feel like a better person - that’s definitely a benefit that honors ourselves, and far too often motivates that sacrificial love. But I would argue, this is only surface-level sacrificial love. It goes much deeper than just giving up a small amount of time or comfort. 

True sacrificial love means we lay down what is important to us in favor of what is important to others. We give up our point of view, our beliefs, our comforts, and we pick up another’s as valuable. This is so hard for us. We hold so fast to things that are important to us that we have a difficult time truly seeing things from another’s perspective. We stand so self righteous in our own minds on certain issues that we cannot let them go when a situation calls us to lay down our rights for another’s. 

At its heart, biblical love is a commitment to putting others needs first, regardless of our own beliefs or comforts or expectations. It’s not just an attitude, but an action: it shows itself in deeds. Those deeds often require self-sacrifice, laying down what is most important to us. His kind of sacrificial love cannot be done in our own power, but only by allowing His Spirit to move the mountains in our heart. Seek Him and He will reveal to your where you have failed to be sacrificial in your love, and allow His Spirit to make a change in your to allow His love to pour through you to the others in your life that He calls you to love. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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