Journal Entry ~ 06/04/18

16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers.17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. - James 1:16-17

People walking through trials are especially vulnerable to attacks from the enemy, even those with a strong faith. Our very faith in God can be tempted when we face our deepest challenges with questions like, “Why would a God who loves you so much allow you to walk through this?” or “Where is your God now?” or “Why didn’t He answer your prayer?”

The enemy wants nothing more than to win you over to his side, so he will attack you at your weakest, and he’ll hit you with with your biggest fear. It’s usually at these times that he’ll direct your attention to people living in this world who seem to be doing quite well without God. You will be tempted to take your eyes off God in the midst of your trials by the deception of the enemy, and when you do, you will not persevere in your trials. 

James gives us a word of caution here. Do not be deceived. Every good thing given and perfect gift is from God. He directs our paths and our ways, He blesses our lives in the midst of trials with comfort, and wisdom, and strength. He doesn’t change, He doesn’t shift, He stands firm at the ready for you at all times. He knows what you are walking through, and He promises you a way out that will ultimately lead to your good. Period. There is never any variation in His plan for you. Ever. 

The enemy shifts and hides in shadows, and he would have you believe that God has left you, that He doesn’t care, or that He doesn’t even exist. When you face the temptation of the enemy, do not be deceived by his cunning attacks. The best way to avoid being deceived by the enemy is to affirm God’s sovereign goodness. Remind yourself He is holy and watching over every aspect of your life. If that’s hard for you to remember, then get with people who can remind you. God is good, and He has given you the gift of salvation and eternal life. No matter what you face, do not let the deception of the enemy deter you from that truth. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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