Journal Entry ~ 06/09/18

But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing. - James 1:25

I love the comparison of the Word in this passage to the Word of God. Like a mirror, scripture can reveal to us the very thoughts and intentions of our heart that we cannot see on our own. Our hearts are self-focused, and it can be creative at hiding our sin, but the Word exposes our pride, it confronts our lack of compassion, it reveals our greed and our lust, it exposes our anger and our hurtful words. It has the power to help us to see what we cannot see with our own eyes. 

But the Word only does this when we spent time in it regularly and meditate on it. If we pass by it with a quick glance, we hold its power at bay. The Word cannot change us unless we spend time in it.  

When you look intently at the Word, you discover it truly is the law of liberty. You find freedom from the sin that binds you because the Word can reveal the root of that sin. We live so trapped to our behaviors that many of us don’t even recognize the strongholds in our lives that tie us down. There is freedom in reading the Word that we simply cannot find elsewhere. When God reveals to you the root of your sin, and you humbly release it to Him, you understand why it is called the law of liberty. 

When we faithfully read His Word, we give power to the Spirit to move in us - this is how we become doers of the Word and not merely hearers who forget. The Spirit will prompt us toward change when we give it opportunity, but we must take the steps of obedience that He asks of us  - we must get into His Word. God tells us over and over in scripture that He blesses us abundantly when we are obedient to get into His Word - my life is a testimony to truth. He has used the Word as a mirror to reveal truths to me that I just have not been able to see on my own, and He has blessed my life with freedom from the chains of anxiety, control, and pride which once used to bind me. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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