Journal Entry ~ 06/12/18

My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. - James 2:1

While this passage in James focuses on showing partiality to rich over poor, it can really be applied to all places we show partiality in our lives. When we pause to really consider how we treat others, the truth is we find more partiality than we would like to admit. Do we always show mercy to others as He has shown us mercy?  Do we always forgive others as He has forgiven us?  Are we always patient with others as He is with us?  

The reality is we tend to be more judgmental of others' intentions or actions than we are giving the people in our lives the same grace that is daily showered on us. The truth is we don't always respond as He responds because we don't share His heart. Our hearts are ruled far too often by what we want over what He wants.  

The grace we fail to give others demonstrates how desperately we still need His grace. While I continue to struggle with this in my life, increasingly I can feel Him grab a hold of my heart and change it. There is less and less partiality in my heart the more I spend time in His Word. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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