Journal Entry ~ 06/27/18

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. - James 3:1

I have just loved being submerged in the book of James again. Studying His Word has never returned void for me, but focusing on James always challenges me to spiritual maturity in ways that other parts of His Word simply do not. Chapter 3 is no different. I’m convicted by its truth every time I read it. 

He starts the chapter with a word of caution to those of us who want to become teachers, bringing the weight of the position out into the open. Teachers are held to a higher standard because of the power and influence they hold over others. 

This verse is not meant to discourage people from becoming teachers, but rather meant to encourage those of us who are instructing others to consider the weight of our influence. Some read this verse and use it to back their reasons why they are not called to be a teacher, or they dismiss it because they think they will never be a teacher. The reality is, we are all teachers in one way or another - or at least we all should be. If we are a believer in Christ, we are called to make disciples, and the only way we can make disciples, is to teach them. We teach our children, we teach the unbelievers on our lives, we teach our co-workers, our neighbors. We should all be teaching in several capacities in our lives, so this verse is directed at all of us. 

With that in mind, this verse should carry a warning to all of us - if you teach someone incorrectly, you will be held to a stricter judgment. It is important to note that we not only teach with our words, but with our actions as well. We not only teach when we are being intentional about instruction, but when we are being unintentional as well. As believers in Christ, we are being watched by the world - all the time. Our actions and our words constantly teach others about His truths - let those words and action not be hypocritical to what He calls us to do. 

To be a good teacher of His Word, we need to know His Word, so we must be in His Word. When we’re in His Word regularly, His Word permeates our very being and comes out in all that we say and do. We will be held accountable to what we teach others, submerging ourselves in His Word is the way to ensure our teaching is consistent with His. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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