Journal Entry ~ 07/28/18

For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. - James 4:14

What a great reminder of the greatness of God and the smallness of us. We make such mountains out of nothing when in reality, very little in our lives have eternal consequences.

Life is short, but eternity is forever. The things we fret and agonize over are momentary, but our life with Christ will be the only thing that endures. Our lives here should be about figuring out what truly matters and holding fast to it. We should feel a sense of urgency in this verse - every minute of our brief existence on this planet counts. God has granted us such a short time here, the question we should be asking ourselves if what we’re doing will make any difference in the grand scheme of things. What will matter 100 years from now?

Life is fragile. We are not guaranteed another moment here. As morbid as it is to focus on, the reality is you could be dead by sundown today. You just don’t know how long you’ve got, so you have to make the brief time we have here count. It is by no chance that this reminder comes only a few verses after the passage on conflicts and quarrels in our lives. The passions within us that cause conflict with the people in our lives are just not important when we consider eternity. Our pride makes us think they are so much more important than they are, but stop and take a step back and consider eternity. Put your anger or your fear into perspective and trust that God already has it worked out. 

On a daily basis, we must battle the urge to let our own little kingdoms rule our hearts. We have the choice each day to either pray that God's kingdom comes and His will be done in our lives or we work hard to push our will and our way. Jesus conquered death so that by grace he can establish rule over our hearts and our kingdoms. Despite our insistence on our own ways, He reigns on our behalf and will continue to do so until every last enemy of our soul is defeated and His kingdom reigns. This should be the focus of our short days here on planet. He invites us to the final kingdom, where peace and righteousness will reign forever and ever, but He calls us to live in peace and righteousness while we’re here on earth 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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