Journal Entry ~ 09/28/18

12 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,
13 bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.
14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. - Colossians 3:12-14

The next attitude listed is in direct contrast with what the world teaches us is acceptable or right, but God specifically chose meekness as a way to demonstrate love toward another person. Everything about our culture today day tells us we have the right to a voice, and that we, especially as women, should not be meek. We should stand up for our rights and be heard, and when offended we should fight back. We have moved into an age where it is suddenly okay to assault one another with insults because we disagree, or to rise up over one another in a verbal challenge over a difference of opinions. When people feel wronged, they feel it is their right to respond with angry words and violent actions. 

Being meek is the opposite of this. It is in direct contrast to what the world dictates our response should be. Meekness is gentle. It is a willingness to suffer the injustices that sin brings, even when we have been wronged. It is when we restrain our own power to respond, making room for others to have their way. The world views meek as weak, but anyone who has tried to practice a meek attitude knows it takes an incredible amount of strength and grace from God to choose a meek response when they have been wronged. 

Meek is putting the phone down when you receive an inflammatory text and choosing not to respond, meek is choosing to love and serve your husband or your child even, especially when they’re grumpy or having a bad day, meek is allowing that person to cut you off in traffic or in line, meek is choosing patience with that customer service rep who doesn’t seem to understand their job, meek is respecting your boss even when he doesn’t seem to respect you, meek is bowing your heart and looking at your own wrong in a conflict instead of focusing on the other person’s sin, meek is looking in the mirror in a difficult relationship at your own responsibility. Meek is a state of heart that is contradictory to our natural bent, and to what the world teaches us - that means meek is an attitude we have to CHOOSE over and over again. 

Meekness is in direct opposition to what the world teaches, and what our inner heart desires when responding....but it is what God calls us to do when we are loving one another. God knows the battle in our hearts, and He knows it is only through the strength and grace of the Holy Spirit that we can respond with a meek attitude, but He does this so that we know it is His response and not our own.  

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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