Journal Entry ~ 10/04/18

4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us,5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved- - Ephesians 2:4-5

All of God’s wrath, all of the condemnation we deserve, was poured out on Jesus when He hung on the cross. All of God’s demands for perfect righteousness were fulfilled by Christ in that moment. 

At the instant we receive His gift of salvation, which is offered to us by His grace, God becomes for us - 100%, forever, for us. His death took the place of our death, the condemnation poured out on Him took the place of our his righteousness becomes our righteousness.  God becomes 100% irrevocably FOR us forever in that instant.  

Think about that for a minute. The God who created this big, beautiful universe is FOR us, the One who is sovereign over all things is FOR us, the One who is able to save and to destroy, He is FOR us. Everything He allows, every difficult circumstance, every tear - it’s all FOR us. 

It doesn't even make any sense why He would do something like that for us when you spend any time at all dwelling on it. Why would He offer us the free gift of salvation when we've done so little for Him?  Because of the great love with which He loved us. 

In those moments that God made us alive in Christ Jesus, He awakened us to see the truth and beauty of Christ, our blinders were removed, and we were made alive with Christ. When we ponder that truth, how could we possibly question His goodness?  

Dwell on this truth today —> Our greatest trial is eternal separation from Christ. Our greatest trials is not the mess our marriage is in, our greatest trial is not the phone call we received, our greatest trial is not that diagnosis, our children walking into danger, or that difficult relationship in our life. Our greatest trial is the fact that on our own, we are eternally separated from God. But He saved you from that. In light of the fact that He rescued us from our greatest crisis - eternal separation - with no other reason for it except that He loves us, how could we possibly question His promise to rescue us from our current trial?  We can't. And that should bring us a peace that surpasses all understanding. 

Press on  ~ you are loved 💗


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