Journal Entry ~ 10/16/18

Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. - Hebrews 12:14

God placed a desire for justice in our hearts, so when we face an injustice in our lives, it is tempting to take things into our own hands. We cut off friendships and family members who hurt us, we give our spouses the silent treatment when they treat us poorly, we gossip and slander about co-workers when they've been difficult. We really do find it easier to make war than to make peace. 

But Scripture tells us how we should respond when people in our lives treat us unfairly - we are to strive for peace with everyone. We don’t get to judge other people’s actions. According to James 4, there is only one judge, the one who is able to save and to destroy. We need to stop doing God's job when we have been offended, and start trusting that He will do what He has promised to do. 

The problem with our hearts is that we want to hurt back in the same way we've been hurt, but that's not God's agenda. God will never abandon his mercy for justice. He will repay, but it will most likely not be in our timing or in our way. We have to remember that God has a plan for the person who is hurting us as well, He's working on their heart at the same time He's working on ours. And if we're on Gods agenda, then we need to remember that ultimately, we would see all people come to Christ, and grow to be more like Him. So even when we've been hurt, we need to strive for peace with everyone. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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