Journal Entry ~ 10/24/18

This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him. - John 2:11

I remember reading these stories as a new Christian and wishing I was around at the time He did miracles. I used to wonder how anyone could witness Jesus himself change water into wine, or heal a blind man, and not believe He was the Savior of the world?  Yet there were so many who witnessed and didn’t believe.

But as I read more of these stories, and as I grew in my faith and understanding of Jesus and how God works in our lives, it became so very apparent to me that God does still do miracles.  All the time. The problem is we just don’t see the miracles. Just as in the days when Jesus walked this earth, the world clouds people’s judgment and understanding of what is happening, so much so that when the miracle is happening right in front of us, we come up with some rationalization to explain it.

Having lived a life chock full of trials up on trials, I can tell you God still does do miracles. My life is a story of God at work in miraculous ways.  I could list countless stories of how He has worked miraculously in my life, how has provided a way out of every difficult valley I’ve walked through, how he has healed time and time again what couldn’t be healed, how he has provided for me and my family when there wasn’t a way, how he has offered his protection in times of danger, how he has made right all the wrongs in my life. I also know the world could come up with an explanation for everyone of those miracles.

But the miracles He has performed in my heart are the ones that cannot be explained away. They are the ones I treasure as the true miracles in my life. He has moved mountains in my heart, and he’s done it every time in a supernatural way – mountains of fear, mountains of pride, mountains of hurt - there one day and gone the next, replaced with a deep confidence in his sovereignty.

God does still do miracles - keep your eyes open in your heart soft, and you will see them every single time.

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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