Journal Entry ~ 11/03/18

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich. - 2 Corinthians 8:9 

Grace. Knowing God’s grace in our lives is a process. It doesn’t happen over night. We are saved in a moment through His grace, but coming to truly understand how His grace works in our lives happens over time as you grow in your knowledge of Christ. Knowing His grace as intimately as this passage indicates comes from spending time in His Word and growing closer to the Lord. 

I remember the first time I truly understood that God's work in us is process of momentary grace in our lives, and not an event. It caused me to look at myself, and at others, from a very different perspective.  I stopped looking for immediate change in myself and others, and became satisfied with the knowledge that it happens as a parenting changed, my marriage changed, my relationships changed. 

As impatient humans, we have a tendency to expect all the change to happen in a moment, but grace doesn't come in heaps. It happens in thousands of little moments in our lives, in those moments where we live on a daily basis. The fact of the matter is that the transforming work of grace is a more of a mundane process than a few dramatic events. 

We don’t live in the big, dramatic moments of our lives. They happen, and those moments can become landmarks for our lives, but the reality is we don’t live in those moments. We spend a great deal of time thinking about those moments, and perhaps planning for how we’d respond in those moments, but the truth is we live in the mundane little moments.  The day in and day out moments of our lives - the getting up and going to work, and stopping at the gas station, and going to the grocery store, and cleaning our house, and getting the mail. If God doesn't rule those moments, if He doesn't work to re-create us in the little moments of our lives, then we have no hope. 

God's grace is relentless, and will meet us in those little moments all day long, working tirelessly, if we are committed to live in the small moments of our daily lives with open eyes and humble, expectant hearts.  If we do, it’s in those little moments that His grace will truly transform us.  

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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