Journal Entry ~ 11/08/18

for we walk by faith, not by sight. - 2 Corinthians 5:7

Though our hearts wish we could know all the reasons why certain things happen to us, we can find the peace and the rest we’re after when we walk by faith. When we lean in and trust that God is sovereign over all our circumstances, even in the chaos of a heartbreaking trial, He rushes in with an overwhelming sense of peace. He calls us to walk by faith, so intentionally choosing to trust in Him despite what you see in front of you, is an act of obedience. And God abundantly blesses our obedience. 

Walking by faith means we are completely trusting in God over our circumstances. That can be so challenging in some trials. But we don’t have to just wonder if God is sovereign over all our trials, we don’t have question if He is for us. We can know He is working all things for our good because scripture tells us He is. 

28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

So many times I've gone though the deep valleys, I turn to this verse. I love the comfort that it provides. The words "we know" in particular bring me such peace. I don't just hope or wonder if He will bring good out of my trials, I can know that's what He is doing.  Even when it doesn't make any sense to me at all, even when it causes my heart to ache, I can know that He has a plan in it all and it is ultimately for my good. 

His ultimate plan in our lives is conform us to the image of His Son, and for that to happen, He needs to reveal to us all those parts of our hearts that are hidden from Him, or are not yet fully submitted. He allows trials into our lives to bring into the light the places in our hearts that we still hold on to the world, where our idols have a stronghold, or where sin remains hidden. It's in the brokenness in our lives when our eyes are opened and our heart is revealed. And that is for our good because when our sin is revealed, and we confess and repent, we grow to be more like Him.

When we walk by faith, and not by sight, our questions are often answered. I’ve walked through some seriously difficult things in my life, and God hasn’t kept the reasons why a secret from me. In every circumstance, He has revealed to me the purpose for my trial and brought me peace. He generally doesn’t reveal it to me while I am learning to trust in the trial, but when I reflect back on the situation, it’s been easy to see the reason. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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