Journal Entry ~ 11/19/18

37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." - Matthew 9:37-38

Without God's help, we only live for ourselves. Without the sanctifying work of the gospel, we can't see past our own needs. The gospel saves us by giving us an eternal perspective, and grows us increasingly sick of ourselves. I may have some heartaches here and there in my life, but I have the promise of eternal life with Jesus - that’s the eternal perspective I need to focus on, that’s the eternal perspective I need to share with others. 

The problem is that while Jesus has saved me from eternal damnation, I'm still focused on how much I have to do today, or an irritating coworker, or my child's choices. My busy schedule and the people in my life keep distracting my from my bigger purpose. My needs and my comfort continually push my true purpose to the side, and take my priority and my focus. I need to constantly be coming back to scripture to right my wrong perspective - that’s why I need to be in His Word every day. Without it, I become focused on me. 

God saved me from eternal damnation - I should be singing it from the mountaintops and sharing that good news with every person I encounter. There are so many who need to hear that message - the harvest is plentiful; yet so few of us can get off our own agendas long enough to share it - the laborers are few. Praying God continues to shift my focus away from my needs, and replaced it with eyes to see what He needs. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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