Journal Entry ~ 12/12/18

1 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 
2 but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.  - Psalm 1:1-2

This psalm begins with essentially the same message repeated three times - don't walk with unbelievers. It's repeated 3 times because it's important - and because God knows our hearts. He knows how we like to bend the rules or find loopholes, so He is crystal clear in this passage. Don't walk with unbelievers. 

He's not saying we can't be in relationship with unbelievers - we live in this world and we work in this world. We have to be in relationship with unbelievers. God does want us in relation with unbelievers because that is how so many of us were brought to a saving relationship with Jesus.

What He is repeating here is that our relationship with unbelievers should not be our deepest relationships - they should not be who we seek advice from when we have a decision to make, they should not be who we call when trials hit, they should not be who meet with when we're afraid or we need encouragement. Our believing friends fill those needs. 

The unbelievers in our lives should be witnessing the steadfast, unmovable peace and happiness in our trials and decisions because He is at work in us - that is a powerful testimony. They should see us leaning on Him to make difficult decisions or to calm our chaos - then they will see Him. 

It's so challenging for me at times to work side by side with women who are unbelievers - I have one friend I have grown particularly close to. We chat all day, each lunch together, and share our struggles. She offers advice and encouragement all the time...but it's not biblical. I have to stop myself at times from listening to her or heeding her advice - it's how the world draws us in and distracts us from what He says. There are times I want to follow her advice because it's easier, or because it would bring about a result I want...but when I do, I silence the One voice I am trying to hear amidst all of the noise. We are to seek our counsel from Him alone. 

Press on ~ you are loved💗


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