Journal Entry ~ 12/09/18

19 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. - Matthew 6:19-21

These verses are referring to more than just the money we store up as treasures, it's referring to all those things we put our hope in other than God. The question we must constantly be asking ourselves is what do we esteem higher redemption?  What is more important to us than God’s treasure?  What causes us to put God on the back burner? What do we prioritize over His plan for our lives?  

If I've learned anything through my counseling training, it's how important it is to be thinking about our thinking - this is where we discover our greatest battles. Where are we tempted by disappointment in our lives?  I think many of us struggle to want the same things that Jesus wants for us - what we dream for and hope for is not the same as what He works to deliver in us.  And when that happens, when our definition of happiness does not come to fruition, when what set our Hope on fails, we end up frustrated and empty. 

Some people want control more than redemption - we want to be able to control the circumstances or the people in our lives. This is my struggle - i know what would work best for me, so I make that my plan and ask God to get on my agenda. How arrogant. Some people want to be successful in life, and will sacrifice their relationship with Christ because they have a job to do.  Some people esteem acceptance over redemption - we find more joy in the acceptance of people around us than we do being a disciple of Christ. Some people crave pleasure or comfort more than the things of God - life would be so much easier if it was predictable. It’s easier to hit the snooze button one more time rather than getting into His Word this morning, or to stay in our pajamas for just this Sunday. And some people desire material things above the kingdom of God - we tend to measure the quality of our lives by our piles of stuff. 

If I'm being honest, I struggle with all these things - if I could control the decisions my children or husband make, I would be happier at times. I do value people's acceptance over God at times, I crave success and recognition, and who wouldn't want more stuff?  We try to tell our souls that these things will bring us peace and happiness, but it never does. If you've found the true peace of Jesus for at least one moment of your life, then you know all of this stuff is empty. The sad part is even though I know His peace and joy well, it still doesn't stop my deceitful heart from going back there every single day. Daily, I have to remind myself to think about my thinking, and to set my thoughts on Him and what He wants for me. THAT is how I find rest for my soul. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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