Journal Entry ~ 01/04/19

13 I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord. NASB 

Have you ever looked at another believer and wondered how they can be so strong in a trial like theirs? How can they keep going with everything going on in their lives?  They fix their hope on the promises in God's Word. God will take us to a place where we feel as if we cannot do anything else because that's where He wants us - at the end of what WE feel we can do. He wants us in that place where we just don't know what else to do because that's when we finally look to Him to rescue us. 

We find His rescue in this verse - "I will not despair, God is always good." Not only is God with you as you walk through the difficult terrain of life, not only is He sovereign and ordering everything in your life, but He is good, my friends. His goodness is our ultimate rescue no matter what we face.  And we can be confident of His goodness because He promises. 

This verse shouts of God's goodness. While we don't know what David was facing in this specific Psalm, we do know that he would have despaired if he had not held on to the promise that He would see the goodness of the Lord while he we still living. He didn't say I would have despaired BUT I see the goodness of the Lord. It wasn't seeing God at work that brought him hope. It was trusting that he would see the goodness of the Lord - at some point in the future. We can grab a hold of the same promise for the future because God is good - even when we can't see it. If our eyes are fixed on the situation in front of us, we will lose hope. But when we fix our eyes on Him, we will see His goodness - that’s where you find the strength to keep pressing on. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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