Journal Entry ~ 01/13/19
being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; - Colossians 1:11
This life is impossible without His strength, His endurance, His patience, and His joy, so we need to be filled with His Spirit. But so many of us sacrifice the blessing of being filled by our choices every day.
How do we forfeit the filling of the spirit? Yesterday, we talked about the dangers of resisting the conviction of the Spirit as one way. But we can also forfeit the filling of the Spirit when we desire against the spirit. If we find that we're not filled with the fruits of the spirit, it may be because we're desiring against the Spirit some place in our life.
The spirit wants one thing for our life, but our heart can be set on something else. In some situations, we need to take a strong stance. End the battle and make no provision for the flesh to win. If there is a place you are tempted toward sin in your life, remove yourself from the situation. Sometimes it's a relationship, sometimes it's a TV show, sometimes it's a store, a restaurant, or even a type of food. What tempts you into behavior that does not honor God?
The spirit desires against the flesh, but the flesh desires against the spirit – there's a war going on that we feel every day. The flesh is sneaky and will rationalize your desire as being right. Oftentimes, the only way to win those battles is to stand strong against them and remove yourself from the situation.
Your obedience to stand against those desires will strengthen your Spirit, and you will be filled with the patience to endure this life with joy. If you don’t see those fruits in your life, pause and take a hard look at your life - where are you placing your desires above the desire of God? Go after those desires, surrender them to the Holy God of the universe, and watch Him full you with a power you have never known.
Press on ~ you are loved 💗
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