Journal Entry ~ 02/01/19
28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. - Romans 8:28-29
Anyone who has been through a deep valley and rested on the promises of God has likely found and embraced the truths in this verse. These words should be the anchor that holds you to God when your heart has been shattered and chaos surrounds you. The greatest of challenges and deepest of conflicts can be overcome when these verses are stored in your heart. We find comfort that lasts and the peace that surpasses all understanding when we trust these words are true.
He is good. Every believer strong in their faith has confidence in this truth to their core. He is good. You must start there. You need to *know* that He is good - you need to believe it deep in your soul, and when you do, you learn you can face any struggle this world presents to you.
He works everything for His good - a struggling marriage, addiction, sexual sin, depression, health issues, relational conflict, prodigal children, grief, anxiety... He will use it all for good. He will change you and transform you if you begin to surrender and stop fighting the suffering, but instead trust that He is good.
Refuse to look at the problems you are facing as something you just want to go away, and start asking what He wants you to learn in this suffering - that's where you will find true freedom. If you are struggling, it is because you don’t want to let something go. You want to hold on to it, and you want the situation to resolve the according to your plan. Trust the Creator of the universe has a plan that is bigger and better than your plan, and that it is for good - not just for your good, but for the collective good of the Kingdom. Release the struggle to Him, and trust in His plan.
Press on ~ you are loved 💗
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