Journal Entry ~ 02/09/19

6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,
7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. - Colossians 2:6-7

We all live in danger of drifting away, becoming complacent in our relationship with Christ if we don't actively pursue His Kingdom. This is why we are commanded here to walk in Him as we were taught. 

The enemy is a deceiver, and will move in slowly through our discontent to shift our focus off of our walk with Him. Many times, it's the little things that cause us to drift away - we get annoyed or hurt by someone in the church, then the busyness of our lives makes choosing time with Him a little more difficult, and before we know it, we're a million miles away from Him. It happens all the time. It's happened to me. 

This passage is about what we need to do to maintain the close relationship with Christ, and how to guard against drifting away. We are to walk in Christ as we were taught - step by step through life with Him, always putting Him before anything, especially our busyness, leaning on His strength, trusting in His sovereignty - and we are to be thankful for all that He is done in our lives. 

Daily, even hourly, this is how we are to walk in Him - with a heart of gratitude. And when we fail - when we begin to complain about our lives,  our government, our jobs, our boss, our family, our finances - we need to see it for the sin that it is and get down on our knees and ask for forgiveness for our selfish focus and discontent. Then we are to thank Him for loving us enough to save us from eternal separation, for His sovereignty over our lives, and for His steadfast love and faithfulness to bring about good in our lives. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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