Journal Entry ~ 02/13/19

18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.  - Psalm 34:18-19

Everybody has had their heart broken in some way — maybe by disappointment, fear, shame, rejection, or ridicule. Perhaps we've experienced a deep loss, or we're watching someone we love endure a difficult trial. Whatever brought us there, the weight of our heart at those times can be so heavy it's feels unbearable. 

We can feel so alone, as if no one really cares or understands our heartache. But God is with us in those moments. It is in those deepest, most hurtful heartaches when He is closest to us. He wants us to know how deeply He cares for us, how He longs to fill the void in our lives with His great comfort and His great strength, but that can be difficult when someone else is there comforting us. 

Yes, He does send friends into our lives to comfort and encourage us when we need them, but there are times when He will hold back some of the earthly comfort so we see Him. We don't see a need for a Savior until we have a need for a Savior. And until we experience the Savior alone filling the void in our hearts created by deep heartache, I don't think we've fully surrendered our hearts to Him. 

If you are feeling alone in your struggle, you can know that He is so very near to you - He wants to comfort you and fill you. Surrender to Him. Stop looking for people to fill the void that only He can, and allow Him to show you just how much He loves you. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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