Journal Entry ~ 02/17/19

18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. 
19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.  - Psalm 34:18-19

Many are the afflictions of the righteous ~ these verses remind us that life is going to be hard. We are going to endure trials, and they are going to happen often. The reality is that we live in a broken world full of broken people so our hearts are going to be broken and crushed from time to time. 

Somehow knowing those trials are coming, and knowing that He has a purpose for every one of those difficult circumstances helps me to understand the bigger picture. It makes them a little easier to endure when I understand there is a reason He has allowed so many trials into my life. 

Sometimes God uses our trials to grow our faith and our trust in Him, sometimes He wants to align our deepest desires with His deepest desires, sometimes He wants to refine us or challenge us to become more like Him, sometimes He wants to reveal a dark part of our heart and take us to a place of repentance, sometimes He wants to take us outside of our selfish perspective and grow our compassion and love toward others, sometimes He wants our lives to witness to someone else who is watching us endure a trial. 

But in all of it, we can be sure He has a purpose for our suffering, and we know that ultimately it is for good. Trust Him in the challenging days that He has a higher purpose, and lean in to what God has for you in the trial. He promises a good result. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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