Journal Entry ~ 02/25/19

18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. 
19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.  - Psalm 34:18-19

But the LORD delivers Him out of them all. How does He deliver us out of our afflictions?  He delivers us by teaching us how to set our hearts on Him. We choose who or what we set our hearts on. So often, we let people or circumstances set the condition of our hearts - we know this is true because of what our meditations land on. Just listen to your thoughts for a day. Our meditations reveal our idols. 

If my thoughts are consumed with a condition at work, or a situation with my kids, I have set my heart on the wrong things. Instead of allowing my heart to be set by others or my circumstances, I need to choose to set my heart on the word of God. Realigning my heart to the Word of God can be challenging in the deeper trials, but spending frequent time in His Word helps me to adjust what I set my heart on. Choose every day to set your heart on the Word of God and you will find comfort in and deliverance out of your afflictions.

God promises to deliver us out of our afflictions by providing His very presence when our hearts are broken and our spirits are crushed. The problem is we often miss His hand of comfort - we don't see the way out that He has offered because we're too busy looking for the rescue we planned rather than the rescue He has planned. 

Remember, our trials are meant to teach us and grow us so that we ultimately esteem redemption more than we esteem comfort. So what can we do when we find ourselves in suffering?  We can resist the lies of the enemy and set our hearts on the truth. Capture your thoughts by thinking about what you're thinking. What are the thoughts that have you feeling broken hearted?  Identify the lies of enemy, and spend some time in scripture looking to replace those lies with the truths of God's promises. 

He is faithful, He is trustworthy, and He is good. He promises to heal you, to strengthen you, and to walk with you.  Then choose to set your heart on the truth in the promises - memorize that scripture until your heart only hears the truth in His word, and no longer focuses on the lies of the enemy. 

You choose what you set your heart on ~ choose to set it on the promises of His Word. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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