Journal Entry ~ 03/03/19

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. - Jeremiah 29:11

His plan for me is specifically for me.  That should bring an incredible amount of comfort to each of us, and an understanding of why we're struggling with certain trials. God knows each of us intimately - He knows our strengths and where He can use each of us; and He knows our weaknesses and where we need to grow. That means nothing has happened in my life that He hasn't allowed. Everything He has chosen to allow is for a very specific reason. Every tear we've cried, every struggle we've had, every broken heart has been a very specific part of His will and His plan for my life. 

I think this is where some Christians get stuck - when they're in a difficult trial, and they pray fervently for the trial to be removed, but they find themselves still in the trial, they question God's goodness. They question how God can have them in such a difficult place. "If He loves me, He would rescue me...heal her", "How could a loving God allow this?"  

Our God loves us so much that He has allowed difficult trials into our lives for a very specific purpose. We have to remember that God's will for unbelievers is that every knee shall bow to Him and God's will for believers is our sanctification. His plan is consistent with those two priorities at all times. Everything He allows in our lives - every single trial - is to bring those unbelievers we pray for in our lives to know Him more, and every trial we endure is to grow us to be more and more like Him so we reflect His image to the unbelievers in our lives. 

The will of God for my life is about the person He's trying to make me into.  God knows where I fall short, and where I need victory, and He is allowing difficult trials in my life to bubble up those blind spots that I still need to release to Him. That victory is the freedom He wants for me - that is His good in all of this. 

I know this to be true because of how He has grown me in trials I've already endured. While some of my trials have been absolutely devastating, and even those I face today are heart-breaking, I can have complete confidence that His will is for my good. It doesn't have to make sense right now, and I don't need to see my way through to the end, I just simply rest on the understanding that this trial is fulfilling one of His purposes - to bring an unbeliever I love to know Him, or to bring victory to a place in my heart. 

Press on, ladies ~ you are loved 💗


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