Journal Entry ~ 03/16/19

So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. - Romans 6:11

Without an awareness of Christ’s presence, we tend to live anxiously. We avoid hard things and are easily overwhelmed because we try to face life in our own power. We need the reminder this verse frequently. We are dead to sin and alive in Christ - that’s our identity, that’s who we are. 

When we have a clear sense of our identity and provision in Christ, we have the hope and courage to face the struggles and temptations that come our way. As we go through our everyday lives, we need to remember – we have a new identity, not only because Christ has rescued us, but because He *lives* within us. Our standing has not only been altered for all of eternity, but we have also been filled with the One who rose Jesus from the dead.  Think about that for a moment - the same God who rose Jesus from the dead lives inside of you. 

It is the self centered "I" that has been crucified, the part of our flesh that puts me first and wants things to go my way no longer lives. That's what leads to those feelings of anxiety and being first, my plans need to go *this* way...and when those plans fail, the anxiety grows. 

While I still live in the flesh, and daily battle the temptation to put me first again, meditating on this verse takes me back to the foundational truth in my life - Christ lives in me. He is on the throne of my life, and daily I surrender myself to Him and His plan for my life.  I don't need to feel anxious or overwhelmed.  I know the hope and strength to live the life He has called me to lives inside of me. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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