Journal Entry ~ 04/20/19

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13, ESV).

I think sometimes, we can be so wrapped in in our trial, that we miss the way of escape He has placed before us. When it's so hard for so long, we just want it to end our way. But God has us walk through these trials for many different reasons, and remember - the way out is most often walking through it. 

“The way of escape” might look like . . 
~An instant end to the trial. When God moves, the mountains get leveled, the floods get lowered, and the sun suddenly breaks through. In my experience, trials can end as quickly as they start if we have the faith to believe God can end them. 

~Encouragement to endure. Out of the blue, God may send another Christian to encourage you and remind you that you’re not alone.

~Wisdom and direction. God may show you a new angle on the problem. So many trials in life change for the good after hearing one, simple, God-given piece of wisdom. 

~Strength to persevere. There may be days when you don’t think you can face that difficult circumstance or person one more time. God may energize you for a new season of faithfulness with a sudden, inexplicable burst of energy. 

~A friend to share the burden. Sometimes God dispels the darkness through the comforting assurance of friendship. The way of escape may be someone who has walked the same road before. 

~A few days of relief. Sometimes God gives an oasis in the middle of the desert to replenish your reserves. Perhaps those tough circumstances will return for a season, but that temporary relief enables you to endure.

Of course, the variety of exit ramps are as endless as God’s creativity, but you can be confident He won’t let you be tempted beyond your ability. He doesn’t promise you eight options, or six, or even three—but He does provide you at least one exit ramp. When you see it, take it. Sometimes He gives us extra strength to endure our trials, but whether you’re enduring or exiting, you will not falter; God is always watching.  

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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