Journal Entry ~ 04/22/19
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13, ESV).
The temptations we face begin in our minds. Our thoughts control our behaviors and our trials - it’s why we’re warned to take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ in scripture. Our thinking can get us into so much trouble and land us right in the pit.
I find reminding myself of His grace when my thoughts begin to run away is the only way to battle my anxious or angry thoughts. Our God is faithful and He will not let the waters rise beyond our ability, but He will let them get higher than we think we can handle. He wants us to see His grace is the way to battle those thoughts, He wants us to know the sweet assurance that He’s walking through the trials with us, He wants us to feel the strength in His power that comes from submission. The reality is He can’t reveal any of that to us unless we’re in those deep waters. But in those moments of submission, He shows His promise to give us grace for today is true.
He knows what you're up against and He has given you the grace to face what you need to face today. Our anxieties rise when we fear a future that hasn't even happened yet. We worry how we're going to make it through something difficult we've imagined is going to happen, and we're not even there yet. Our anxious thoughts are so often created by something that hasn’t even happened yet, and most often something that won’t happen.
We need to remind ourselves in those anxious moments that God gives us grace for today, not tomorrow. He gives us just enough grace to handle what we're facing in this very moment right here. When we get into the next moment, the next day, or next year, He will give us the grace in those moments to face whatever we have to face there as well. If you live this moment knowing He is here with you, trusting He will walk with you in future moments, you will find His peace in your trials.
Press on ~ you are loved 💗
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