Journal Entry ~ 05/26/19
23 And Jesus said to him, "'If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes."24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!" - Mark 9:23-24
I’m learning this truth all over again - our faith will stagger when we're tired. How true this has been for me lately. Do you think the disciples were tired and overwhelmed? I do - I mean they were walking the countryside, spreading the Word, and healing the sick. I wonder how much time they took to truly rest in Him. Then there’s the fact that they’re trying to do things in their own power and they're frustrated and angry that it's not working right. Eventually, they start to yell at each other. Sounds a little familiar....
I think our intentions to work for Him all come from a place of wanting to please Him, but sometimes I think we forget the point of it all. Sometimes serving and loving God gets added as an agenda item to an already overpacked schedule, and we end up stretched too thin. That’s when we end up tired and overwhelmed, and our faith begins to stagger.
Our time with Him - the time that refreshes and renews our tired and weakened souls - gets knocked down a few notches on the priority list because we are so busy doing what we think is the most important thing.
Prayer IS the most important thing. That's it. The whole point of what we're doing here on this broken earth is to glorify Him. Whatever we are doing that's replacing that one most important thing is OUR agenda. He is the reason we're here, He is our agenda, He is our purpose. And if we find ourselves tired and overwhelmed, and cranky like the disciples were because things are aren't working out the way we want or expect them to, then it should cause us pause. Are we taking the time to rest in Him, and defining our priorities according to His agenda, or are we trying to manage things in our own power?
Press on ~ you are loved 💗
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