Journal Entry ~ 05/30/19

And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." - Matthew 26:39

I love when I return to a verse I’ve meditated on's always enlightening to read what I've already written, and to think about how He has transformed and grown me since the last time I've been in this passage. 

The last time I was here I was struck by the humanity Jesus displayed in the moment, and how I relate to Him here. I don't think there is a more human moment for Jesus than this one. He expresses His full humanity here when he cries out to Our Father in heaven to take the cup away from Him. 

When we feel alone and our heart is aching over a trial in front of us that we do not want to endure, we can know that He knows our pain. He knows our hurt and our heartache - we are never alone. We can know He understands. 

But he also teaches us in this moment as He responds to His trial. He shows us how to pray when we find ourselves in moments like this - we are to passionately cry out for what we want, then leave it at His feet. But first, Jesus cries out to His Father with all the pain and all the fear inside of Him. God wants us to come to Him with our sadness and our grief. He wants us to bring our broken hearts to Him because He wants to comfort us and draw near to us. Take the time to cry out to Him and allow His nearness comfort you. 

Then we are to submit to His will, and trust in His plan. Even when it doesn't make sense, even when the hurt is too much to bear, even when He doesn't seem to answer our prayers, submit. He has a plan, and it's greater than ours, and He promises it is for our good.

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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