Journal Entry ~ 06/02/19

And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." - Matthew 26:39

While we can look to this passage to give us direction for how to respond in a trial, we must be careful to never minimize what Jesus endured for us by comparing His trial to our trials. Jesus' suffering wasn't simply the physical torture of being being beaten and crucified, and it wasn't the emotional pain of being shamed and humiliated. Though those are horrible and painful acts of suffering, and ones I would argue are far worse than any trials we have endured. But that's not what His "cup" was, the physical and emotional suffering was not His trial. 

His true pain and anguish came from enduring God's wrath for all of our sins. In those moments, Jesus became everything that God despised. Jesus suffered all of God's fury against sins of all kinds - from heinous crimes to the smallest of lies.  All of it was punished by God in those moments, and Jesus endured it all - all of God's anger and all of His separation. 

God poured out His wrath on Jesus that day - all of it, undiluted fury, all onto His Son.  And Jesus drank that cup of wrath for us so that we could could enjoy the cup of fellowship with God. Our cup might include some suffering, but it never includes God's wrath. It's important we keep that perspective when we're walking through the difficult days of our lives. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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