Journal Entry ~ 07/06/19

Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.  - Psalm 125:1

When we truly trust in the Lord, we are content with our circumstances. We’re content with our jobs, we’re content with our finances, we’re content with our homes, we’re content with our marriages, we’re content with our children, we’re content with our relationships. Contentment means to be completely satisfied. We have what He has given us, we’re living in the circumstances He has designed for us, and it isenough. 

Contentment does not mean you don’t dream for the future or set goals for yourself - those are both important aspects for your life, but contentment means you are not dwelling on those goals and dreams. While you may be working toward them, you are completely satisfied in the waiting. Where He has you, and what He has given you is perfectly enough. We don’t need anything more. 

As we mature in our spiritual walk, we learn the valuable lesson that we can't live to meet all our "needs" and live to serve Christ at the same time. The problem is we place so many things in the needs category that we really don't need for life. We consider those things that we "must have in order to be happy” the same as needs. They may be sweet blessings from God, but they are not necessary for life. 

The problem enters when we start naming those must haves as needs - I need to be respected, for example, or I need to have a husband who is walking with Christ. I need to be comfortable or I need to know I’m doing a good job. When we name it as a need, we begin to demand it or expect it, and eventually we end up evaluating the love of God based on whether or not He fulfills our "needs."    Our level of contentment in life is directly tied to whether our needs are met, whether we believe God has fulfilled all our needs. 

When we stop worrying about all those things we once believed we must have, we are free to truly focus on the work of God's kingdom. It is then that we truly believe He gives us everything we need to face every situation He's placed in front of us. It is then that we know contentment because we trust that our God is actively committed to giving us everything we need. When grace causes our hearts to rest in these truths, we are no longer slaves to our needs, but rather free to give ourselves to the worship and service of God. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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