Journal Entry ~ 07/17/19

1 Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in his ways! 
2 You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.  - Psalm 128:1-2

These words are speaking to my heart today. I’ve been finding greater peace since I’ve started studying the Psalms of Ascent, and this treasure is no exception. 

We know the word blessed means happy, but I’m just struck by the thought that God wants me to be happy. He wants happiness so bad for me that He repeats how to be happy multiple times in scripture. But He doesn’t just offer happiness, He promises it to me. Over and over again. Throughout scripture, God gives us specific directions for how to be happy because His desire for me is that I know happiness. If this is God’s heart for us,  why do we spend so much time unhappy?

Since my heart deeply desires these blessings on myself and my family, i have found myself digging in to what Scripture tells me I need to do to be happy...and let me just tell you, there’s an abundant amount of information about how to be happy in the Holy Book. Psalm 128 says Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways! So when we fear the Lord, and when we are obeying His commands we are happy. 

When you fear the Lord, you are not afraid. It is not the kind of fear that causes you to cower or hide. Instead, it’s the kind of fear that causes you to bow down in reverence. When was the last time you worshiped who He is and what He has done for you? He has given you life. He created you and He calls you His own. He has saved you from the depths of sin and given you a future and a Hope. He is your protector, your healer, your counselor, your refuge and your strength. Next time you’re feeling low, stop a minute and recognize the glory of our King with a sincere heart, and watch your happiness swell. 

We’re also happy when we walk in His ways. When we’re doing what He tells us to do - serving others, forgiving others, being kind and compassionate, loving sacrificially, being peacemakers, trusting in His plan over ours, waiting on His timing - that’s when  we are happy. When we’re living according to our expectations and our plan, we are not. When we have an idea about how things should go and they fail, we’re disappointed or angry or hurt. Next time you’re low, look for where you are not walking in His ways. Change that behavior and you’ll find happiness. 

My friends, God wrote a book to tell us about Him and about how to be happy. He gave us the plan, yet so many of us walk around plagued by despair and anxiety. If we’re unhappy, it should be a huge red flag to us that God is not part of our plan. Next time you find yourself unhappy, get out Scripture and look for the words, “blessed”. He tells us quite clearly how to be happy. If we’re not happy, we’re not following His directions. We’re following our own. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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