Journal Entry ~ 08/04/19
O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. - Psalm 131:1
God wants His grace to be completed in our weakness. We never really experience the grace unless we see the need for it—and even that realization comes by grace. The power of Jesus' grace is not fully seen until weakness is fully acknowledged. The moment I am humbled by and overwhelmed with my absolute helplessness is the moment I am ready to hear Jesus say, I’m all the grace you need.
We fear when God calls us to something we don't think we can do. but the truth is we can't do any of it in our own strength. It’s prideful to think we do. We are not sovereign. We don’t know what’s going to happen this afternoon, let alone next month or next year, but here are a few things we can know as truths from Scripture, and in these moments, we must preach these truths to ourselves again and again: God always goes with us, and with Him comes His strength to do what we need to do. He blesses us with the gifts and abilities to do what He calls us to do, and He always provides what we need to carry it out. Even when it seems impossible at first glance.
I think one of the biggest factors that impact our fear, is our fear of failure. We don't want to do it wrong, or make a wrong decision. But that's the most beautiful truth God has for our hearts - He can redeem anything, even our failures. My life is a story of redeemed failures. He has turned every one of my disasters into beauty, and it always amazes me how He does it.
Press on ~ you are loved 💗
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