Journal Entry ~ 08/08/19

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!  - Psalm 133:1

Unity is defined as the state of being one, or oneness of mind. We are reminded in this psalm that God is glorified when we are living in unity - it is good and pleasant when our hearts are at peace within our souls and with other people. 

Our God is a God of peace. The whole story of redemption, the death and resurrection of Jesus, is God's plan to bring about peace - between man and his inner self, and between man and man. 

As the children of God, we must be peacemakers - we must seek peace within ourselves and with others in everything we do. Seeking peace within ourselves starts with seeking out the places where fear and anxiety live within our hearts. It does not mean we live without trials - peace is not the absence of pain and grief in our lives, it is the absence of fear and turmoil.

6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7

Returning to our definition of unity - oneness of mind. It is good and pleasant to be whole and complete, to have an undivided heart. Our hearts are divided when we spend time chasing after, worrying, or worshipping more than one thing. What consumes your meditations? What do you dwell on throughout the day? Our thoughts should glorify Him, our meditations should be on Him alone. If we are dwelling on our anxious thoughts, our hearts are divided and unity is impossible. 

We are to fight anxiousness like an enemy. Our flesh is so easily tempted by our fears - this is my greatest battle. We must stand at the ready to grab ahold of every anxious fear that pops into our heads throughout the day, and offer it up to God in prayer.  Every time you have an anxious thought about what might come, take it and give it to God immediately in prayer. Stop what you're doing and pray. Confess your lack of trust in Him in that moment, and then offer a prayer of thanksgiving to Him. Shift your focus to all that He has done for you in this life. He saved us from an eternal death, how can we possibly fear He won’t save us from whatever stands in front of us. This is how you find peace within yourself, this is how we find unity of mind - through prayer, confession, and thanksgiving.

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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