Journal Entry ~ 0818/19

1 Come, bless the LORD, all you servants of the LORD, who stand by night in the house of the LORD! 
2 Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the LORD! 
3 May the LORD bless you from Zion, he who made heaven and earth!  - Psalm 134 

We bless the Lord when we meditate on His Word. If we are to meditate on His Word day and night, we need to be storing it in our heart. I remember when I didn't take this command as seriously as I should have - I didn't work on memorizing scripture on a regular basis. I rationalized that I knew scripture well. There were so many verses in songs that I knew, I was familiar enough with scripture that I knew all the stories and lessons, and I knew many of the big verses (John 3:16, etc), but intentionally memorizing scripture wasn't part of my regular routine with God. I actually thought I didn't really need to do it. I thought it was for other people. I rationalized I was getting into His Word every day, and I already knew some verses by heart, I thought I was good. Oh, how arrogant I was!  

I started to memorize scripture as a challenge.  That’s right, someone challenged me and because I am an overachiever, I couldn’t be out done. God can even use our foolishness to transform our hearts. Memorizing scripture changed my life. 

At first, the goal was just to memorize the scripture, but then slowly, God began to reveal new understandings as I rolled the scripture around in my head. The more scripture I memorized, the more He began to speak to me. It was like a lightbulb went on in my head!  This is why He calls us to meditate on His Word - it is how He communicates with us throughout the day. 

We communicate with Him in prayer, but He talks to us with His Word. If we want to be in communion with Him throughout the day, if we want to hear His voice, we need to have His Word with us throughout the day. Memorizing scripture is generally the last discipline that people start practicing (church, reading His Word, prayer, etc.), but it has been the most transforming for me and my heart. So many people I have challenged to memorize scripture have responded by saying with me that they can’t do it. If this is your belief - you’re wrong. God calls us to memorize scripture, and He wouldn’t call us to do something we can’t do. He calls us to do it because He has something in it for us. Stop resisting, and start memorizing. 

We want to be blessed, we need to memorize scripture - it's not optional. He commands it, and if He commands it, we do it because we want to honor Him. It’s how we bless Him. And when we honor Him with blessings, He blesses us. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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