Journal Entry ~ 08/26/19

So Abraham called the name of that place, "The LORD will provide"; as it is said to this day, "On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided." - Genesis 22:14

How do we know He will provide? God writes our stories, and He fills them with examples of His faithfulness to provide.  If you haven't been a Christian long enough to have many stories of your own, spend time with other believers and listen to their stories.  Lean in and trust God to provide, keep a journal, and just watch Him fill your life with stories to share. 

At first, you notice He provides in small, surprising ways; but eventually, your life will be full of incredible God at work stories. If you have been a Christian for awhile, then you've already seen God provide in unimaginable ways. He has already demonstrated to you over and over that He is faithful to provide. 

The problem is that we forget. The enemy whispers in our ear that we're alone and that He will never come through in this situation. He'll even tell us that God has never really come through for us. The only way to battle those kind of lies is with the Truth found in scriptures like this one. Our Lord provides. Call to mind those stories of His provision in your life often, and share them with others, flip through your journals and look at the way He has provided in your life - this is what we are reminded to do over and over in scripture because when we call to mind and share with others, we strengthen our own faith and understanding that He will provide. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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